Career Coach & Consultant With Over 30 Years Experience

“From Career Management to Interview Skills, Work-Life Balance, Accountability and more; I champion your path from challenges to confidence in who you are and what you’re capable of accomplishing.”

My mission is to help you move from career challenges to feeling calm and energized by the tasks facing you. Your struggle may be about job search or anxiety when facing an important job interview. It could be about feeling accomplished, accountable, or on-purpose. Or perhaps you need insight and perspective about workplace relationships and situations, accomplishing your obligations at work while also satisfying your life needs at home. Whatever the situation you’re facing right now, I’d love to help you find the confidence, stability, and even a sense of purpose at work and in life!


Job Interview Prep

Walk into your job interview feeling calm and confident, prepared to present yourself as the most suitable candidate for the role!

Work-Life Balance

Work and life often compete for our time, focus, and energy. Learn and implement habits and processes to optimize your day, to harmonize work and life.


Committing our goals to someone else increases chances of completion by 65%. With an accountability partner who keeps us on track, the chance of task completion goes up to 95%!

I’m Kaitlin…

My path to career work started with a need to find balance between my new status as a single mom of an eight year old and work to meet my financial self-dependence. At the time I owned a high profile, successful business that operated seven days per week, limiting my time at home. Following a harrowing child-care emergency, I decided to sell my business. I had no plan, no prospects, and no support system. I sat night after night, at our dining room table, wondering how I would make it all work, knowing I had to find work hours to match my daughter’s schedule.

Based on my background of Adult Education, Psychology and Entrepreneurship, eventually I did find work with a significant organization. At first, I was less than excited about the bureaucracy, but their mission very much aligned with my values, so I ran with the job. Our team was helping internationally trained professionals find appropriate work in the local job market … read more

“Kaitlin saw the big picture and helped me to define my needs and actions. She has the ability to communicate with a cross-section of people from CEO’s to the shop floor. She inspired me to resolve a complex and difficult situation through her patience and caring…”

— MH, Career Management Client

I’m really happy with the work I’ve been able to get done and it’s thanks to the work we had previously put in, it’s gone a long way to accomplishing this goal.

LB, Accountability Client

I am being acknowledged both at work and at home about being much more relaxed and organized.  I am also able to set boundaries, even when stressed and get back on track.

AC, Work-Life Balance Client

The accountability work we have done has been keeping me focused, energized and on track. I’m able to pull myself out of a spiral really quickly and get back to the next task on my list.

JT, Accountability & Career Management Client

Thank you so much, I am so pumped to get going with all that we discussed. Working with you is always like a breath of fresh air- clarity and new ideas.

MT, Model to Entrepreneur

You rock! Taking me from a construction job to this fun role in technology. Truly a life changer. Now we can finally afford that house.  

CE, Job Interview Prep Client

I would have never accomplished this without your guidance and support. You saw something in me that I could not see in myself.

NL, Student to College Administrator

I want to thank you for your sensibility and delicacy in dealing with our group, for feeling our stress and encouraging us because you have been there.

IN, Engineer

Our group had generated much sincere interest from world-class organizations as a result of the career and business focus you trained us to project.

BF, Supply Chain Management

I wanted to thank you for seeing something in me that I could not see in myself, for helping me believe in myself, for pushing me to my limits and beyond, for teaching me to feel the fear and do it anyways, for the business skills you taught, for passing onto me some of your strength and courage.

JM, Musician

I am so grateful our paths crossed, I cannot thank you enough for the work you did with me. Without your support, I would not have been in this role.

KD, Tech Executive

Kaitlin, you are definitely on my gratitude list. I could have never achieved this without your support.

SJ, Nurse to Project Manager

Kaitlin helped me to arrive at creative solutions for what to do and how to do it.

SB, Architectural Technologist

I could have never done this without your support.

KM, Project Manager

At Ease,
On Purpose,

Together, we find balance between your work and life, so you can meet your goals while feeling purposeful, successful, and stress-free!

A Constant Source of Motivation

Think of me as your personal cheering section, helping you find the courage and confidence you didn’t know you had to tackle situations and new opportunities. I’m all about accountability, real life perspective, encouragement, and reinforcement toward your goals.


Let’s talk about how we can work together.